
This section contains a small guide to get started with using aPRAW and its various features.

Creating a Reddit Instance

Currently aPRAW only supports the use of a script auth flow to log in to Reddit and perform requests. Read-only modes as well as the application flow are WIP.

To obtain a client_id and client_secret for your application, head to Reddit’s App Preferences and create a new app. Follow the guidelines on Reddit’s Quick Start Example to obtain your credentials.

Those credentials can now be used to create a Reddit instance:

import apraw

# instantiate a `Reddit` instance
# you can also supply a key to an entry within a praw.ini
# file, making your login compatible with praw as well
reddit = apraw.Reddit(client_id="CLIENT_ID", client_secret="CLIENT_SECRET",
                    password="PASSWORD", user_agent="USERAGENT",

Those previously making use of a praw.ini file can continue to do so, by specifying the key that was used for the client in place of the credentials. aPRAW will then automatically search for the file and save those credentials.

For more information on praw.ini files visit PRAW’s documentation.

Running Asynchronous Code

Since most of aPRAW’s code are asynchronous functions or generators, you will want to add your tasks to an event loop such as the asyncio one.

For that do the following:

import apraw
import asyncio

# instantiate a `Reddit` instance
reddit = apraw.Reddit(client_id="CLIENT_ID", client_secret="CLIENT_SECRET",
                    password="PASSWORD", user_agent="USERAGENT",

async def scan_posts():
  # get an instance of a subreddit
  subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("aprawtest")

  # loop through new posts
  async for submission in subreddit.new():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # get the asyncio event loop
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    # add scan_posts() to the queue and run it

Basic Concepts

aPRAW assumes that all the Reddit items know the logged-in Reddit instance. When grabbing items by using the built-in functions, this will be done automatically through dependency injection.

Instantiating Models

Most items can be retrieved from the base Reddit object like so:

# instantiate a `Reddit` instance
reddit = apraw.Reddit(client_id="CLIENT_ID", client_secret="CLIENT_SECRET",
                    password="PASSWORD", user_agent="USERAGENT",

# grab an instance of the /r/aPRAWTest subreddit
subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("aprawtest")

# grab an instance of the /u/aPRAWBot Redditor
redditor = await reddit.redditor("aprawbot")

# grab a test submission made on /r/aPRAWTest
submission = await reddit.submission("h7mna9")

# grab a test comment made on /r/aPRAWTest
comment = await reddit.comment("fulsybg")

Looping Through Items

Most endpoints returning list or “listings” of items are represented by async generators in aPRAW. To grab a set of new posts on a subreddit try this:

# get an instance of a subreddit
subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("aprawtest")

# loop through new posts
async for submission in subreddit.new():

In cases where ListingGenerator is used, **kwargs can be passed into the endpoint as well.

Streaming Items

ListingGenerator has a built-in stream() method that will poll the Reddit API endpoint it’s mapped to, and yield items as they come. This is done in a very efficient manner with an internal tracker for items, an exponential function to increase wait times and the use of asyncio.sleep() to ensure non-blocking streams.

Polling an endpoint with ListingGenerator is as simple as writing:

# get an instance of a subreddit
subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("aprawtest")

# stream new posts
async for submission in subreddit.new.stream():