Subreddit Modmail

This section details the usage of models related to subreddit modmail.


class apraw.models.ModmailMessage(conversation: apraw.models.modmail.ModmailConversation, data: Dict)

The model for modmail messages.

conversation: ModmailConversation
The ModmailConversation instance this message belongs to.
data: Dict
The data obtained from the API.
id: str
The ID of this message.
body: str
The HTML body of this message.
body_md: str
The raw body of this message.
is_internal: str
Whether the message was sent internally.
date: str
A timestamp on which the message was sent.


ModmailMessage attributes are loaded statically, meaning they will always be present under the abovementioned names.

author() → Redditor

Retrieve the author of this message as a Redditor.

Returns:author – The author of this modmail message.
Return type:Redditor


class apraw.models.SubredditModmail(subreddit: Subreddit)

Helper class to aid in retrieving subreddit modmail.

subreddit: Subreddit
The subreddit this helper operates under.
conversations() → apraw.models.modmail.ModmailConversation

Retrieve a list of modmail conversations.

Yields:conversation (ModmailConversation) – A modmail conversation held in the subreddit.


class apraw.models.ModmailConversation(reddit: Reddit, data: Dict, owner: Subreddit = None)

The model for modmail conversations.

reddit: Reddit
The Reddit instance with which requests are made.
data: Dict
The data obtained from the /about endpoint.

Typical Attributes

This table describes attributes that typically belong to objects of this class. Attributes are dynamically provided by the aPRAWBase class and may vary depending on the status of the response and expected objects.

Attribute Description
isAuto bool
objIds A list of dictionaries containing the objects with their IDs and keys.
isRepliable Whether the conversation can be replied to.
lastUserUpdate A timestamp of the last user update or None.
isInternal Whether it’s an internal mod conversation.
lastModUpdate A timestamp of the last moderator update or None.
lastUpdated A timestamp of the last update made overall.
authors A list of dictionaries containing authors by name with additional meta information such as isMod, isAdmin, isOp, isParticipant, isHidden, id, isDeleted.
owner A dictionary describing the subreddit this conversation is held in.
id The ID of this conversation.
isHighlighted Whether the conversation has been highlighted.
subject The subject of this conversation.
participant Dict
state int
lastUnread None
numMessages The number of messages in this conversation.
full_data() → Dict

Retrieve the raw full data from the /api/mod/conversations/{id} endpoint.

Returns:full_data – The full data retrieved from the endpoint.
Return type:Dict
messages() → apraw.models.modmail.ModmailMessage

Retrieve the messages sent in this conversation.

Yields:message (ModmailMessage) – A message sent in this conversation.
owner() → Subreddit

Retrieve the owner subreddit of this conversation.

Returns:owner – The subreddit this conversation was held in.
Return type:Subreddit