
Besides retrieving comments similarly to submissions using their ID or fetching them through a subreddit’s listings, comments can be obtained from the submission they were made in like so:

submission = await reddit.submission("h7mna9")

async for comment in submission.comments():
class apraw.models.Comment(reddit: Reddit, data: Dict, submission: Submission = None, author: apraw.models.redditor.Redditor = None, subreddit: apraw.models.subreddit.Subreddit = None, replies: List[Comment] = None)

The model representing comments.

reddit: Reddit
The Reddit instance with which requests are made.
data: Dict
The data obtained from the /about endpoint.
mod: CommentModeration
The CommentModeration instance to aid in moderating the comment.
kind: str
The item’s kind / type.
url: str
The URL pointing to this comment.

Typical Attributes

This table describes attributes that typically belong to objects of this class. Attributes are dynamically provided by the aPRAWBase class and may vary depending on the status of the response and expected objects.

Attribute Description
all_awardings A list of awardings added to the comment.
approved_at_utc The UTC timestamp at which the comment was approved by the moderators.
approved_by The moderator who approved this comment if applicable.
approved Whether the comment has been approved by the moderators.
archived Whether the comment has been archived.
author_flair_background_color The comment author’s flair background color if applicable.
author_flair_css_class The comment author’s flair CSS class if applicable.
author_flair_richtext The comment author’s flair text if applicable.
author_flair_template_id The comment author’s flair template ID if applicable.
author_flair_text_color The comment author’s flair text color if applicable.
author_flair_text The comment author’s flair text if applicable.
author_flair_type The comment author’s flair type if applicable.
author_fullname The comment author’s ID prepended with t2_.
author_patreon_flair The comment author’s Patreon flair if applicable.
author The comment author’s username.
banned_at_utc None
banned_by None
body_html The HTML version of the comment’s body.
body The comment’s markdown body.
can_gild Whether the logged-in user can gild the comment.
can_mod_post bool
collapsed_reason None
collapsed Whether the comment should be collapsed by clients.
controversiality A score on the comment’s controversiality based on its up- and downvotes.
created_utc The parsed UTC datetime on which the comment was made.
created A timestamp on which the comment was created.
distinguished The type of distinguishment the comment hsa received.
downs The number of downvotes the comment has received.
edited Whether the comment has been edited from its original state.
gilded The number of awards this comment has received.
gildings A dictionary of gilds the comment has received.
id The comment’s ID.
ignore_reports Whether reports should be ignored on this comment.
is_submitter Whether the logged-in user is the submitter of this comment.
likes The overall upvote score on this comment.
link_author The username of the comment submission’s author.
link_id The ID of the submission this comment was made in.
link_permalink / link_url A URL to the comment’s submission.
link_title The comment’s submission title.
locked Whether the comment has been locked by the moderators.
mod_note Notes added to the comment by moderators if applicable.
mod_reason_by The moderator who added a removal reason if applicable.
mod_reason_title The mod reason’s title if applicable.
mod_reports A list of reports made on this comment filed by moderators.
name The comment’s ID prepended with t1_.
no_follow bool
num_comments The number of replies made in this submission.
num_reports The number of reports on this comment.
over_18 Whether the comment has been marked NSFW.
parent_id The comment’s parent ID, either link_id or the ID of another comment.
permalink The comment’s permalink.
quarantine bool
removal_reason A removal reason set by moderators if applicable.
removed Whether the comment has been removed by the moderators of the subreddit.
replies A list of replies made under this comment, usually empty at first.
report_reasons Report reasons added to the comment.
saved Whether the logged-in user has saved this comment.
score_hidden Whether clients should hide the comment’s score.
score The overall upvote score on this comment.
send_replies Whether the OP has enabled reply notifications.
spam Whether the comment has been flagged as spam.
stickied Whether the comment has been stickied by the moderators.
subreddit_id The comment subreddit’s ID prepended with t5_.
subreddit_name_prefixed The comment’s subreddit name prefixed with “r/”.
subreddit_type The type of the subreddit the submission was posted on (public, restricted, private).
subreddit The name of the subreddit this comment was made in.
total_awards_received The number of awards this comment has received.
ups The number of upvotes this comment has received.
user_reports A list of user reports filed for this comment.


Many of these attributes are only available if the logged-in user has moderator access to the item.

author() → apraw.models.redditor.Redditor

Retrieve the item’s author as a Redditor.

Returns:author – The item’s author.
Return type:Redditor

Clear user up- and downvotes on the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Delete the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Downvote the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict
full_data(refresh: bool = False) → Dict

Retrieve the submission’s full data from the /r/{sub}/comments/{submission}/_/{id} endpoint.

Returns:full_data – The full data retrieved from the API.
Return type:Dict

Hide the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Reload the comment’s data and replies.


Refresh methods will be replaced by refreshables in future releases of aPRAW, and these methods will not be available in post-alpha releases.

replies(refresh: bool = False) → AsyncIterator[apraw.models.comment.Comment]

Retrieve this comment’s replies.


Replies are returned as Comment and already have their _replies recursively filled with data retrieved from the request made originally. Fetching replies at a further depth will not result in further calls unless specifically specified with the refresh argument.

Parameters:refresh (bool) –

Whether to force a refresh of previously fetched comments.


reload and refresh arguments will be replaced by refreshables in future releases of aPRAW, as they are alpha features.

Yields:reply (Comment) – A reply to this comment.
save(category: str = '')

Save the item in a category.

Parameters:category (str, optional) – The category name.
Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict
submission() → Submission

Retrieve the submission this comment was made in as a Submission.

Returns:submission – The submission this comment was made in.
Return type:Submission
subreddit() → apraw.models.subreddit.Subreddit

Retrieve the subreddit this item was made in as a Subreddit.

Returns:subreddit – The subreddit this item was made in.
Return type:Subreddit

Unhide the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Unsave the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Upvote the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict