
A Submission can either be instantiated by using its ID, or by going through subreddits:

submission = await reddit.submission("h7mna9")

sub = await reddit.redditor("aprawbot")
async for submission in
class apraw.models.Submission(reddit: Reddit, data: Dict, full_data: Dict = None, subreddit: apraw.models.subreddit.Subreddit = None, author: apraw.models.redditor.Redditor = None)

The model representing submissions.

reddit: Reddit
The Reddit instance with which requests are made.
data: Dict
The data obtained from the /about endpoint.
mod: SubmissionModeration
The SubmissionModeration instance to aid in moderating the submission.
kind: str
The item’s kind / type.

Typical Attributes

This table describes attributes that typically belong to objects of this class. Attributes are dynamically provided by the aPRAWBase class and may vary depending on the status of the response and expected objects.

Attribute Description
all_awardings A list of the awardings on the submission.
allow_live_comments Whether live comments have been enabled on this submission.
approved_at_utc The UTC timestamp of when the submission was approved.
approved_by The user that approved the submission.
approved Whether the submission has been approved by the moderators of the subreddit.
archived Whether the submission has been archived by Reddit.
author_flair_background_color The submission author’s flair background color.
author_flair_css_class The submission’s author flair CSS class.
author_flair_richtext The submission’s author flair text.
author_flair_template_id The submission author’s flair template ID if applicable.
author_flair_text_color The submission’s author flair text color if applicable.
author_flair_text The author’s flair text if applicable.
author_flair_type The type of flair used by the submission’s author.
author_fullname The author of the submission prepended with t2_.
author_patreon_flair The submission’s author Patreon flair.
author The name of the submission’s Redditor.
banned_at_utc The UTC timestamp at which the author was banned.
banned_by null
can_gild Whether the logged-in user can gild the submission.
can_mod_post Whether the logged-in user can modify the post.
category The submission’s category.
clicked Whether the submission has been clicked by the logged-in user previously.
content_categories The content categories assigned to the submission.
contest_mode Whether the moderators of the subreddit have enabled contest mode on the submission.
created_utc The parsed UTC datetime on which the submission was made.
created The timestamp of when the submission was posted.
discussion_type null
distinguished The type of distinguishment on the submission.
domain The domain of the submission.
downs The number of downvotes on the submission.
edited Whether the submission has been edited by its author.
gilded The number of awards this submission has received.
gildings The gild awards the submission has received.
hidden Whether the submission has been hidden by the logged-in user.
hide_score Whether clients should hide the score from users.
id The submission’s ID.
ignore_reports Whether reports should be ignored on this submission.``
is_crosspostable Whether the submission can be crossposted to other subreddits.
is_meta Whether the submission is a meta post.
is_original_content Whether the submission has been marked as original content.
is_reddit_media_domain Whether the media has been uploaded to Reddit.
is_robot_indexable Whether the submission can be indexed by robots.
is_self Whether the submission is a self post.
is_video Whether the submission is a video post.
likes bool
link_flair_background_color The submission’s flair background color.
link_flair_css_class The CSS class applied on the submission’s flair if applicable.
link_flair_richtext The submission’s flair text if applicable.
link_flair_template_id The submission’s flair template ID if applicable.
link_flair_text_color The submission’s flair text color if applicable.
link_flair_text The submission’s flair text.
link_flair_type The type of flair applied to the submission.
locked Whether the submission has been locked by the subreddit moderators.
media_embed Dict
media_only Whether the submission only consists of media.
media null
mod_note Moderator notes added to the submission.
mod_reason_by The moderator who added the removal reason if applicable.
mod_reason_title The reason the submission has been removed by moderators if applicable.
mod_reports A list of moderator reports on the submission.
name The ID of the submission prepended with t3_.
no_follow bool
num_comments The number of comments on the submission.
num_crossposts The number of times the submission has been crossposted.
num_reports The number of reports on the submission.
over_18 Whether the submission has been marked as NSFW.
parent_whitelist_status null
permalink The submission’s permalink.
pinned Whether the submission has been pinned on the subreddit.
pwls null
quarantine Whether the submission was posted in a quarantined subreddit.
removal_reason The submission’s removal reason if applicable.
removed Whether the submission has been removed by the subreddit moderators.
report_reasons A list of report reasons on the submission.
saved Whether the submission has been saved by the logged-in user.
score The overall submission vote score.
secure_media_embed Dict
secure_media null
selftext_html The submission text as HTML.
selftext The submission’s selftext.
send_replies Whether the author of the submission will receive reply notifications.
spam Whether the submission has been marked as spam.
spoiler Whether the submission contains a spoiler.
stickied Whether the submission is stickied on the subreddit.
subreddit_id The subreddit’s ID prepended with t5_.
subreddit_name_prefixed The name of the subreddit the submission was posted on, prefixed with “r/”.
subreddit_subscribers The number of subscribers to the submission’s subreddit.
subreddit_type The type of the subreddit the submission was posted on (public, restricted, private).
subreddit The name of the subreddit on which the submission was posted.
suggested_sort The suggested sort method for comments.
thumbnail_height The height of the submission’s thumbnail if applicable.
thumbnail_width The width of the submission’s thumbnail if applicable.
thumbnail A URL to the submission’s thumbnail if applicable.
title The submission’s title.
total_awards_received The number of awards on the submission.
ups The number of upvotes on the submission.
url The full URL of the submission.
user_reports A list of the user reports on the submission.
view_count The number of views on the submission.
visited Whether the logged-in user has visited the submission previously.
whitelist_status null
wls null


Many of these attributes are only available if the logged-in user has moderator access to the item.

author() → apraw.models.redditor.Redditor

Retrieve the item’s author as a Redditor.

Returns:author – The item’s author.
Return type:Redditor

Clear user up- and downvotes on the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict
comments(reload=False, **kwargs) → AsyncIterator[apraw.models.comment.Comment]

Iterate through all the comments made in the submission.

This endpoint retrieves all comments found in the full data retrieved from the /r/{sub}/comments/{id} endpoint, as well as /api/morechildren. morechildren() usually won’t need to be called by end users of aPRAW.

  • reload (bool) –

    Whether to force reload the data.


    reload and refresh arguments will be replaced by refreshables in future releases of aPRAW, as they are alpha features.

  • kwargs (**Dict) – Query parameters to append to the request URL.

comment (Comment) – A comment made in the submission.


Delete the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Downvote the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict
full_data() → Dict

Retrieve the submission’s full data from the /r/{sub}/comments/{id} endpoint.

Returns:full_data – The full data retrieved from the /r/{sub}/comments/{id} endpoint.
Return type:Dict

Hide the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Mark the item as NSFW.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict
morechildren(children) → List[apraw.models.comment.Comment]

Retrieves further comments made in the submission.

Parameters:children (List[str]) – A list of comment IDs to retrieve.
Returns:comments – A list of the comments retrieved from the endpoint using their IDs.
Return type:List[Comment]
save(category: str = '')

Save the item in a category.

Parameters:category (str, optional) – The category name.
Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Mark the item as a spoiler.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict
subreddit() → apraw.models.subreddit.Subreddit

Retrieve the subreddit this item was made in as a Subreddit.

Returns:subreddit – The subreddit this item was made in.
Return type:Subreddit

Unhide the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Unmark the item as NSFW.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Unsave the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Unmark the item as a spoiler.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict

Upvote the item.

Returns:resp – The API response JSON.
Return type:Dict